Getting Help With My Face

Getting Help With My Face

Itch Eczema Flares: What Are Your Treatment Options?

Holly Gardner

Most doctors believe that eczema is caused by allergies. The itchy rash often develops as a result of allergens including pet dander, certain foods, and even pollen.

A person's skin coming into direct contact with an allergen also causes flareups. This can include allergies to certain dyes, types of fabrics, or chemicals. This type of eczema is often called contact dermatitis.

Moisturizing the skin can help with eczema, but there are also other treatment options for those who suffer from itchy skin.

Moisturizing Remedies 

Even though allergens most often cause eczema flares, keeping the skin well-moisturized is the first step in successful treatment. Moisturizers protect the outermost layer of the skin which acts as the skin barrier. Retaining skin moisture is important to reducing eczema, and using lukewarm water is another way to prevent skin from becoming overly dry.

Maintaining Humidity Levels

Dry air produces dry skin. For most people, 60 percent humidity is great, but not so for those with eczema. The ideal humidity level is lower and down to 40 percent. To create an environment with a lower humidity level, you can use a humidifier in the home. These devices increase the moisture in the air and help prevent the skin from drying out.

Prescription Medications For Eczema

For eczema not controlled well with moisturizers, there are prescription medication options. A dermatologist can help you decide what medication is right for you. You can use topical medication options like Hydrocortisone steroid cream, Pimecrolimus, and Tacrolimus. These medications are for patients with moderate to severe eczema. Oral steroids are also an option for these more severe cases of eczema. These include prednisolone and prednisone.

Natura Remedies For Eczema

Not all-natural remedies work for everyone, there's no harm in trying them along with other treatments if needed. Some treatments that may help soothe dry itching skin include:

  • Oatmeal
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Coconut oil
  • Honey
  • Tea tree oil

These remedies are all topical solutions and with a quick online search, you can find how to use these to ease dry, itchy skin. Dietary changes are also an option. Consider that what goes into your body can affect your skin and keep a diary to track foods that may cause flares. Eliminating or cutting back on certain foods may help reduce flares.

Whether you're looking for eczema treatment for you or a loved one, it's always a good idea to ask your dermatologist for advice on both at-home and prescription treatments.


2023© Getting Help With My Face
About Me
Getting Help With My Face

After spending years wondering if I would ever be able to shake a serious skin condition, I finally realized that there had to be something I could do. I began talking with a professional dermatologist about the problem, and it was really interesting to me to see just how much help he was. He walked through all of the various treatments with me and how they would affect my condition, and before I knew it, I was enjoying cleaner, more beautiful skin. I began writing this blog a few years ago in order to help other people around me to live a better life. Check it out!
