Getting Help With My Face

Getting Help With My Face

4 Tips For Recovering From Mohs Surgery

Holly Gardner

Learning that you have skin cancer can be very frightening, but when it is caught early it can usually be treated through surgery. Mohs surgery is a common procedure used to remove squamous or basal skin cancer cells and is highly effective when performed by an experienced dermatologist. If you need to undergo Mohs surgery, you may not know what to expect. Continue reading to learn more about recovery from Mohs surgery:

Initial Wound Care

During Mohs surgery, multiple layers of skin are carefully removed and checked until there are no longer any signs of skin cancer cells. It is not uncommon for a person who has undergone Mohs surgery to have an open wound, stitches, or a skin graft after the procedure, so it is very important to take care of the area to prevent infection. Before you leave the surgical center, your doctor will apply a dressing to the area to keep it clean and promote blood clotting. It is essential to keep the dressing dry and avoid showering until your doctor says it is okay.

Keep Your Wound Clean

After it is safe to change the dressing on the surgical site, you will need to take measures to keep your wound clean. Your doctor will most likely provide you with the materials and supplies needed for cleaning and redressing your wound. It is extremely important to follow your doctor's directions to the letter. If you fail to properly clean your wound, it can greatly increase the possibility of an infection or deep scarring.

Reduce Swelling

In the days following your Mohs surgery, it is not uncommon for the surgical site to be swollen and possibly itchy. It is best to refrain from scratching the skin surrounding your wound. Use ice packs several times a day to help minimize the swelling around your wound and the ease discomfort. Never put an ice pack directly over the surgical area-- ice packs should only be used when your wound is completely covered by a dressing.

Know the Signs of Infection

If you have Mohs surgery, you need to know the signs of infection so you can seek medical care if there are any problems during your recovery. Some of the most common signs of an infection of the surgical site include redness spreading beyond the skin surrounding the surgical site, yellowish or greenish discharge from your wound, fever, pain that increasingly gets worse days after surgery, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. Never ignore any possible sign of infection-- immediately call your doctor's office for an appointment if you're concerned. 

Contact a clinic, like Strnot Dermatology, for more help.


2023© Getting Help With My Face
About Me
Getting Help With My Face

After spending years wondering if I would ever be able to shake a serious skin condition, I finally realized that there had to be something I could do. I began talking with a professional dermatologist about the problem, and it was really interesting to me to see just how much help he was. He walked through all of the various treatments with me and how they would affect my condition, and before I knew it, I was enjoying cleaner, more beautiful skin. I began writing this blog a few years ago in order to help other people around me to live a better life. Check it out!
